Ergonomic assessments for Designers using Tablet Screens

We are very happy with the changes that have been implemented and your advice.

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Boodles contacted us as a number of the Jewellery Designers reported neck, shoulder and upper limb pain. An initial assessment by their Health and Safety Consultant proved difficult and advised that a specialist ergonomic assessment should be undertaken.

What we did

We carried out an initial ergonomic investigation of the different areas, and asked staff to fill out a bodymap to enable us to determine location, frequency and effect of musculoskeletal pain. This was followed by an indepth assessment of each worker reporting problems, using the bodymap data and quantitative assessment tools the workstation and tasks could be accurately assessed. The designers were shown that the way each worked contributed to their musculoskeletal pain.

Main Findings

The large Wacom Tablets were found to be the main issue as they were completely unsuitable for the way the designers worked and had resulted in high risk postures that now showed up as severe discomfort and pain.


To ensure that any changes recommended did not result in further problems, a mock up station was constructed to ensure that the new equipment did not result in unexpected issues or proved to be unworkable. The designers were given full training in the new work set up with training in posture and body mechanics and the importance of taking breaks.


The changes worked and feedback as seen above was very positive.

Please call us to discuss 10747 871868 or email