We are the first call for clients large and small throughout the UK with an increasing number of global clients who have switched to a certified qualification requirement for the firm’s assessors. We fulfil this role through offering the following accredited courses and bespoke modules for further expertise.
Are we the right training partner for your organisations? This is what our clients say.
“The feedback of the training was very good”
Dr Caroline Cross, Director, Staff Health and Wellbeing Services, World Health Organization, Geneva.
CIEHF DSE assessor course
The UK's No.1 DSE assessor course - approved by the World Health Organisation and accredited by the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors. Attended by 000s of companies throughout the UK, and Europe.
Feedback from clients who have partnered into our certification process
We use no other trainer now to ensure consistency and standard in the delivery of assessments
All of the Firms DSE assessors are trained to the CIEHF DSE Assessor standard
The course also has a good level of pre and post study work and handouts to support the training delivery.
CIEHF Advanced DSE assessor course
If you are a Professional Practitioner our Advanced DSE assessor course is for you. The course is accredited by the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors.
If you pay out for ergonomic products and expensive assessments then this is the essential course for you to stop over spending. Our clients report quicker turnarounds, user satisfaction, significant cost savings and greatly increased satisfaction for managers and assessors.
Two new courses for the ergo champion
Inclusive workplace design
Identification of barriers to the prevention of MSDs and MHDs