We are Chartered Ergonomists and Human Factor Specialists, Psychologists and Designers partnering with clients to create inclusive workplace where people can flourish and grow and where well and occupational health professionals can identify barriers to the prevention of MSDs and MHDS, evaluate work changes through knowledge and understanding of ergonomic design.
Using an ergonomist at the start of the project is 10% of what a later retrofit would cost.
We bring value, well (we’re all Well Accredited Practitioners), the ability to apply and communicate the standards (Global, British, European and PAS) for real world application that relate to Inclusive Workplace Design, Psychological Safety …
If you need to configure, invigorate and benchmark your DSE Management, put in place a certification process for assessor training or create a curated pathway of learning for ergonomic and well champions then we can help.
Expertise in all types of workplaces where different issues exist
Control Rooms and Call Centres (Centrica, Police, Fire and Ambulance, specialist call centres …)
Advanced Workplace Assessment training (PwC awarded Golden Nuggets, KPMG, BDO, WHO, …)
Service (Bus Station, University, Banks and building societies, Government and Council offices)
Computer: (experiencing high levels of MSDs and MHDs)
Other: (Offshore, Onshore, Boats, Airports, All types of vehicles)