CIEHF accredited DSE assessor course (run as a live virtual online trainer led course) updated January 2025
1 Day course - running as a live virtual trainer led course
“The feedback of the DSE assessor training was very good”
Dr Caroline Cross, Director, Staff Health and Wellbeing Services, World Health Organization, Geneva."enricoSmog ergonomic practitioners have been the DSE trainer of Centrica Storage Ltd for several years I thoroughly recommend their services."
Francis Riley, Occupational Health and Safety Manager, Centrica Storage Ltd
"Great in-house course, with plenty of examples to bring the topic to life"
JB, Health & Safety Manager, Frazer-Nash Consultancy Limited
**** BOOKING FORM ****
- Duncan Abbott is a Chartered Ergonomist and Human Factors specialist with extensive experience in DSE office ergonomics and all types of DSE assessments for workers with and without specialist requirements
- The course is based on real life scenarios from which you will gain great insights into what makes an effective DSE assessor and make you your organisations 'go to person' for successful workplace solutions
- Duncan is a qualified trainer with extensive experience in training and teaching, coaching and mentoring in a wide variety of environments to a diverse range of people
- This course delivers ... if you want to be best in class then this is the course for you.
- This accredited DSE assessor course is professionally validated and assessed by the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (CIEHF) the Chartered body responsible for ergonomics and human factors in the UK
- We are an independent registered consultancy accredited and registered with the CIEHF and have no commercial ties to product suppliers or any other supplier thereby ensuring no bias towards a specific type of solution
- Real life scenarios quickly build up the delegate's skill towards being a competent DSE ergonomic workstation risk assessor. The course is interesting, innovative and fun.
- The course is regularly updated to take into account new research around the use of display screen equipment and new ways of working and fully integrates the key principles of ergonomics and wellbeing
- Our DSE assessor course has run for the past nine years and is delivered at a speed and level that has been found to be the most effective for new learners to reach the desired level
- Get up to date on the latest technology and new ways of working, and consider the research and good practice that relates to each
All successful delegates receive a DSE workstation assessor certificate from the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors. An internationally recognised institution
- No previous experience is required
- It is recommended that each delegate has access to a copy of ‘Work with display screen equipment’ guidance to the DSE regulations published by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
It is assumed delegates have little or no previous experience
- If you wish to carry out DSE ergonomic workstation risk assessments to a high standard, you will find that this course more than satisfies your requirements as you receive comprehensive training from a recognised expert
- Delegates with no DSE risk assessment experience or those with several years’ experience will find that the structure and the content allow them to undertake full assessments in a holistic way.
- This DSE workstation assessor course is very relevant to existing DSE assessors who wish to update or consolidate their knowledge and experience as a DSE assessor and gain the CIEHF accredited certificate
- An easy course that builds the delegates knowledge, competence and confidence through short segments, simple case studies, working in pairs and group discussion. At the end of the course the DSE delegate will be a competent person as defined by the Health and Safety Executive to undertake DSE assessments for DSE users
- We use a very simple but powerful DSE model which is designed to teach the desired knowledge and allows for all the different parts of the course to blend together
- We have major clients from around the world that come to back to us because our DSE training is effective and long lasting, where staff return motivated, keen and able to do very effective assessments which improves wellbeing and employee engagement
- You will learn lots, what’s more, what you learn will be of immense benefit to you, your family as well as to staff at your organisation. It will also make you a popular person as you begin to resolve DSE users' pain and discomfort. You will make your employer happy as you start to make cost savings by knowing what to buy which will reduce the need to hire expensive consultants for standard assessments
- The course covers key requirements that DSE assessors need to know about General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the collection and holding of information relating to DSE assessments.
As an assessor you will learn:
- What it means to be a CIEHF accredited DSE workstation assessor and professional code of conduct
- To carry out DSE assessments in accordance with current European legislation and HSE guidance along with updated good practice and document these
- About human requirements when working with display screens and be able to provide DSE users with accurate information and training about:
- How musculoskeletal injuries occur when using computers and how MSDs and physical ill-health can be prevented
- How poor ergonomics and DSE set-up can contribute to stress and poor mental health
- How to work safely whether: a mobile, home, agile, flexi worker, a DSE user based at a client location or a DSE user undertaking activity-based work using mobile display screens such as iPADs and Smartphones
- Assess DSE users with special requirements e.g. expectant and new mothers, bariatric, tall or short workers
- Check that the computer equipment is suitable for the DSE user and that the computer workstation is set up in compliance with ergonomic standards and ergonomic principles
- Good and bad design – equipment, work organisation and task
- Know how to select equipment to meet the DSE Regulations, and when to exceed the basic requirements. This knowledge is essential as without it you may purchase items that are not necessary
- How to assess users with 1,2,3, 4 + display screens, iPADs, tablets, smartphones, landscape screens, portrait screens, extra wide screens
- For each part of the course case studies are studied to allow the delegate to understand the course content in a real-world context in so that he or she can build up knowledge and expertise
- To achieve the objectives our DSE assessor training course is designed to be as practical as possible, and stimulate and encourage proactive behaviour and discussion throughout the day
- The course is backed up in the accompanying DSE assessor handbook which covers the whole course, along with supporting information
- To become a competent and trained DSE assessor who is confident and able to perform DSE assessments that meet legal and moral duties as well as increase health, wellbeing, efficiency and productivity when working with display screens
- Confident in the use of DSE checklists as the basis of the DSE assessment but also able to expand out to investigate issues relating to other tasks that are often a cause for issues such as back pain, upper limb pain, headaches, eye discomfort
- Be proactive to perform DSE workstation assessments based on sound ergonomic principles
- Be equipped with a solid understanding of the DSE assessment process, which is backed up in the accompanying handbook (we provide a course book not copies of slides)
- Throughout the different parts of the course delegates knowledge and understanding is checked, through simple exercises that have been designed to consolidate knowledge, increase confidence and competence
Programme - Display Screen Equipment assessor
(Please check joining instructions for exact start time and location)
9.00 - 9.10 Overview of course and objectives and introductions
9.10 - 9.45 What is a DSE workstation assessment? What does a DSE assessor do?
- Why do we need to do DSE assessments? What are the Display Screen Equipment regulations? What is a DSE risk assessment? What is a DSE workstation assessment checklist?
- explanation of hazard, risk and risk assessment
- What is ergonomics? What are ergonomic principles? What is the relationship between the DSE regulations and the ergonomic standard ISO 9241?
- How does DSE posture relate to musculoskeletal disorders, visual problems and stress?
Delegates work on a short case study
- Delegates are shown by the trainer how to carry out a Display Screen Equipment assessment and are introduced to our own DSE assessment model and how this enhances the DSE workstation checklist considerably.
09.45 –10.15 The DSE workstation, the DSE user and different ways of working
Delegates evaluate and assess different styles of DSE workstations, to consider the hazards and offer solutions.
- DSE seating and posture. What is a DSE neutral posture? How is it achieved? How can this be translated into the training of the DSE user?
Delegates carry out practical exercises to check that he or she can give competent advice to the DSE user regarding the design and use of the computer workstation
- Desk shape and size, and the effect on the DSE users posture
- Equipment - what happens to the user when he or she interacts with different parts of the workstation
- Storage - dealing with no desk storage
- Single, double and multi display screens
- Safeguarding DSE users that work with Touchscreens, Laptops, Smartphones, iPADs and Tablets
- How to assess a sit-stand DSE worker. What are the risks of standing compared to sitting when using display screens? The DSE assessor will be shown how to set up a sit-stand workstation for a DSE user, and what training and information should be given to the DSE user and what the latest guidance is
Different types of DSE user
- Range of users. How do you accommodate tall, small, thin, wide, heavy DSE users? What legislation applies? How do I locate alternative DS equipment?
- Self adjustments. What action should be taken when DSE users bring in alternative equipment in to the office (eg back-supports, ball chairs etc)? What to do when a DSE user brings in a ball chair? What is expected of the employer? How to avoid the DSE user being injured? Essential.
10.15 –10.45 Case study and current guidance on environmental variables
- Delegates use the DSE model, posture points, and work zones to assess a DSE user at the computer workstation
- How can environmental variables seriously impact the health and wellbeing of the DSE user?
- Lighting. What guidance do we use? What is the difference between standards and legislation? Overview of lighting.
- Temperature.What guidance to follow? What is the HSE advice? What other advice is there?
- Humidity. What is it? What is the impact on the user?
- Noise. When is noise a problem? What are the Noise at Work Regulations?
- Space. How much space does the DSE user need? What Guidance is there?
10.45– 11.00 BREAK
11.00 –11.45 The DSE regulations in context – HSE legislation and legal duty of care
- What are the Display Screen Equipment Regulations? Where do they fit into the legislative framework?
- Who is a DSE user?
- What are the different levels of DSE assessment (L1, L2 and L3)?
- Do the DSE Regulations cover - desktop, portable, iPADs, Smartphone, Tablet, Touch screen users?
- Job and task design. How often should DSE users take a break? What type of break? What is effective job rotation?
- When can you exceed basic DSE requirements?
- What information and training does the DSE user need?
11.45 –12.10 DSE computer user workstation checklist
- Delegates are trained how to use the Display Screen Equipment checklist and how each part can be amplified from what has been learnt in the morning session by putting this into practice.
12.10 - 12.30 - DSE user hazard identification - delegates will view a DSE user and then identify the hazards
12.30 –13:00 Lunch
13.00 – 14.00 Posture, Health and use of Display Screen Equipment
What parts of the body are affected when working with Display Screen Equipment? The impact of poor posture when using DSE? How to give effective and considered advice.
- What is a musculoskeletal disorder? What is the relationship with DSE use?
- Musculoskeletal disorders (back pain, ULDs, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain etc)
- Standing work and ill health - What are the health hazards and benefits when standing compared to sitting when using DSE?
- Can computers damage your eyes? What advice do you need to give?
- Stress, posture and work organisation - What are the stress management standards? What is stress? How to reduce the impact of stress on the DSE user?
- Work organisation and break frequency for DSE users - What happens to a DSE user when breaks are not taken?
- Environment variables and how workers can be affected
Three short case studies illustrate the risk assessment and accommodation of the following DSE users
- Expectant mother - What should a DSE assessment cover? What needs to be done? Latest information and advice?
- Bariatric workers - How to safeguard this group of workers? What are your legal duties?
- Tall and short workers - How to safely accommodate workers who cannot fit standard equipment?
14.00 –14.30 How to assess Mobile and Home Display Screen Equipment users
- What is a mobile DSE worker? What is a home worker? What about other types of workers?
- How to use DSE when working in vehicles?
- What about using DSE at client locations?
- For each type of worker guidance will be given on how to assess utilising legislation, standards, guidelines and good practice and current HSE advice
14.30 –15.00 Using ergonomic principles to determine if a product solution is required (this section alone can save your company 000s and ensure that DSE users remain safe)
- When should the standard set of DSE products be exceeded?
- What is a specialist 'ergonomic' DSE product? How to determine if an 'ergonomic' product is required?
- Standard display screen equipment vs alternative 'ergonomic' equipment. Overview of keyboards, mice, seating, desking, footrests, wristrests, mouse mats. Distinguising fact from fiction when it comes to 'ergonomic' products
- What is a DSE compliant chair? What do you if the chair exceeds the standard design for a DSE user? The delegate is shown how to measure a DSE user for a chair and what measurements of the body relate to the different chair parts
- The important of anthropometrics, adjustments, simulation and user trial
15.00–15.30 DSE workstation assessment practical
- Each delegate will undertake a DSE assessment using the DSE checklist and be able to put into practice the skills and knowledge learnt on the course. To comply with the Display Screen Equipment Regulations 1992 amended 2002 the DSE assessor must have the ability to assess, train and inform the user
- Delegates as this stage should be competent to carry out assessments that exceed those specified in the DSE regulations and have a good basic understanding of DSE workstation ergonomics. He or she will be in a position to save his or her company money by ensuring products purchased are required and improving the DSE users' wellbeing.
15.30 –15.45 Round up and questions
Price £245.00
VAT (@20%) £49.00
Total £294.00
The price includes
- The CIEHF DSE assessor handbook
- DSE user guidance and checklists (digital copies)
- The CIEHF certificate on successful completion of the course
The DSE assessor training handbook covers: What is a DSE assessment and why it needs to be carried out? Ergonomic workstation assessment checklist forms, Display Screen Equipment Regulations and legislative framework, DSE user training and information, Sit-Stand Work, DSE ergonomic products (mice, keyboards, seating), DSE use and back pain, DSE user and neck pain, Computer keyboard and mouse use and upper limb pain, WRULDs, prevention of musculoskeletal disorders, environmental variables and much more.
- 18th February (FULL)
- 6th March
- 25th March
- 15th April
- 8th May
- 28th May
- 26th June
- 24th July
- 7th August
- 18th September
- 24th October
- 27th November
- 3rd December
Please note that some courses fill up very quickly. When a course is full it will be removed. If a course is marked with ** please call us.
The course is delivered worldwide
(C) enricoSmog ergonomic practitioners